Outdoor Survival: 10 Essential Tips for Every Adventurer

10 things explorers should consider in order to survive in the wild

In the realm of outdoor adventures, one truth prevails: Mother Nature plays by her own rules. To truly embrace the great outdoors, it's crucial to be prepared for the unexpected. Whether you're planning a weekend camping trip or embarking on a longer expedition, mastering outdoor survival skills is your key to conquering the wilderness. Always being prepared for the unexpected can never be underestimated.

#1 Food for Thought

Before you head out on your next adventure, consider packing food with a long shelf life. You can get food that lasts anywhere from a couple of months up to 25 years! These long-lasting provisions are designed to keep you nourished and energized in the most challenging conditions. Long shelf life foods are also a great way to prepare at home for the unexpected.

Get your survival food here.

#2 Shelter Crafting

Imagine the heavens open up and unleash a torrential downpour, or a sudden snowstorm sweeps through your campsite. Having the know-how to construct a shelter is crucial. Learn how to build a sturdy, waterproof shelter using natural materials found in your surroundings. It's a skill that could mean the difference between a soggy night and a comfortable rest.

Survival Lilly over on YouTube has a great video on how to create shelters in the wild. You have to check it out. Click here.

#3 Fire-Making Mastery

Fire is not only a source of warmth but also a lifeline in the wild. Learn various fire-starting techniques, from using a fire starter kit to creating friction fires with basic tools. A well-lit fire can boost morale, provide heat, and cook food, making it an invaluable survival asset.

Check out this great post by Art Of Manliness - 9 ways to start a fire without a match.

#4 Water Sourcing and Purification

In the outdoors, water is life. Knowing where to find it and how to make it safe to drink is essential. Equip yourself with knowledge about identifying natural water sources and purifying water through filtration or boiling methods. Here are some other methods you can use to make water safe for drinking in the wilderness: Tablets or drops, distillation, plants, stone boiling and sedimentation.

#5 Navigation Without GPS

Map reading skills are essential for outdoor exploring when you are off-grid

Technology may fail, but your ability to navigate should not. Brush up on traditional navigation techniques using maps, compasses, and even the stars. Remember, a well-planned route can prevent you from getting lost in the first place.

#6 First Aid Fundamentals

Accidents can happen, so being equipped with basic first aid skills is paramount. Learn how to treat common injuries like cuts, sprains, and insect bites. Your knowledge could save a fellow adventurer's day.

#7 Foraging for Edibles

Forage for wild blueberries and other plants for a good food source

While your long-lasting survival food is a reliable backup, it's also essential to know which wild edibles are safe to consume. Familiarize yourself with local plants and their edibility, ensuring you can supplement your diet with fresh, natural resources.

Wild Foodie has a great post on food you can forage in the UK, with the seasons you will find them too. Click here.

#8 Wildlife Awareness

Understanding the behavior of wildlife in the area is essential for safety. Learn how to avoid dangerous encounters with not only potentially dangerous animals but plants too!

#9 Signaling for Help

If you find yourself in a dire situation, knowing how to signal for help can be a lifesaver. Familiarize yourself with common distress signals, such as using a whistle, mirror or even creating the classic SOS symbols with natural materials you often see in the movies! Anything you can do to help you get attention is essential.

#10 Mindset Matters

Perhaps the most important skill of all is maintaining a positive and resilient mindset. Outdoor survival often tests your mental fortitude. Stay calm, think rationally and adapt to the challenges that come your way.

Remember, while these skills are vital, practice and preparation are key. Equip yourself with the right gear, including your long-lasting survival food, and never venture into the wild without informing someone of your plans and expected return time.

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